Monday, May 16, 2011


I know deep down it will happen, right? See every few years, things make a comeback. Be it a band, a TV show, a movie, and fashion. Bell bottoms made a comeback. So did retro 80s clothing..... so who do I need to talk to about making this happen.

Manly chest hair is greatness. I mean honestly, what kind of women want to look at guys that remind them of a prepubescent boy who plays video games when you can have a sexy chest hair-filled, 5 o'clock shadow, semi-athletic built man who drinks good beer, holds a good job, loves the outdoors, AND plays video games.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bees are pricks

When a parent sees her child stand for the first time, they instinctively put their hand behind the child's back, just in case. They gently say, "Watch yourself, take it easy dear..." They nurture the child, teaching the child the consequences of their actions. "If you make others sad, they will try to make you sad." "If you put the penny in the socket, you will get shocked."

And if I was a bee, I assume my parents would have this conversation with me.
Parent: "There are some mean people out there. Now Jimmy, I know you know how to make a fist."
Young Jimmy: "Yep look, here is a fist."
Parent: "I know there are going to be times you feel you need to defend yourself, and you think you should hit them. I need you to promise me you wont."
YJ: "But that's what a fist is for...."
P: "Jimmy, if you punch someone, you will hurt them but......"
YJ: "Damn right I will."
P: "But the problem is, if you punch them, your fist is going to get stuck. You will pull back, and you will rip your skin. Your bones will be stuck, and you will pull and pull, and your entire abdomen will be attached to your fist. You will lean back, and you will look that person in the face, as your blood pools out around you. At first you will feel a state of euphoria, for you just defended your honor. Then you will feel like you just got off the Scooby Doo roller coaster. Your little life will flash before your eyes. You will realize at that point, you will never eat a cookie again. You will never get to try and beat Super Mario Brothers without using the Warp Zones. Your life will be over. And right before you die, you will wish you never punched a single person ever again."

Sadly, bees are pricks and they don't teach their kids.......

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Stages of thought

Todays post brought to you by: Laying in bed at 2 am unable to go to sleep, Mucinex D, the number 3, and the letter J.

You look through your movies and you see one of your childhood favorites. As a smile of nostalgia slowly grows on your face, as you decide you will waste your time and watch the movie. This can lead to some mix feelings and emotions. Take example, Cabin Boy. Loved it when I was little, now I dont even understand why I bought it. But this post comes from a different place: how you view a scene and the judgement you place upon it changes? For todays discussion I bring you this.

Thoughts of former Jimmy's:

Kid Jimmy: "Haha. They sleep in the same bed. That seems silly. Where is the candy?"

Middle School Jimmy: "Eww thats kinda gross. Dude their feet are right next to each others faces. Thats gay."

High School Jimmy (full of himself): "What a lazy group. The fact they expect one girl to take care of them all is bullshit. Hell, she is only blood related to one set. Kill off the group of them. They are a drag of society. They produce nothing and take everything. If they would just die off or fend for themselves, Charlie would get a decent life."

College Jimmy: "You know they are diddling each other under the sheets. I wonder if they switch around to see if the wives can tell the difference? You could pull of a wicked hot box. I wonder if that would be a record?"

And this leads to last night, as I couldnt fall asleep. I tossed and turned, I placed my head where my feet go, to see if the change of scenery helped the situation. (Yes, sometimes it does.) When I placed my head on the other side, this scene popped in my head. Present day Jimmy: "That seems awesome. I need to make sure Wyatt's future in-laws are cool. I am sure we would get some nice sheets, a decent TV set up in the corner. Hell, by that time we would probably have robot butlers. Note to self: Make sure Wyatt gets a career that can afford to buy me a robot butler. What will the robots name be? Well there will be 4 of us in the bed then, so would we vote. I would have to think of a good name, plus be able to convince the others. Hmmm..." And for the rest of the night till I feel asleep, I tried to think of my future robot butler's name.